Live Betting utilising the SOL Network
TonyTipster aims to provide Live betting through our Web3 application and cryptocurrency powered by the SOL Network.
Contract coming soon…
We have a clear plan for success. Tony has a hard-working team to ensure our community wins.
Our first step is to build our community to ensure a successful fairlaunch!
Launch Demo
We have a demo of our app ready from the start! check it out on Telegram.
Our cutting edge Web3 application build hype to ensure we can launch on Moonshots and reach DexScreener fast!
Maintaining our community
We want to maintain this project for as long as we have an active community and take this to the front-page of DexScreener!
TonyTipster, a unique system with intrinsic value.
Mini-App transaction fee which we will giveaway!
Supply available in fair-launch, no pre-sale!
Dev wallet used to pay for Dex and X ads!
When a bet is placed the transaction will be stored as a USD value ensuring our coins volatility does not effect your bet.
As our coin facilitates bet transactions on our app with a 2% fee. This covers running costs and donations to our holders.
We have a team of overseas workers working over 30 hours a day collectively to advertise our product across the web. We also plan to bring onboard influencers and acquire Dex ads through our marketing wallet.
Meet Our Team
OneMillionCrypto was able to retire after the last Bull run. Having previously worked in finance he is utilising his industry skills alongside his technical ability developed post-retirement to elevate this project to the moon.
With a strong track record of developing Web3 products whilst freelance contracting, VicHacks is fortunately financially stable enough to shift his focus to TonTipster full-time, leading it's development alongside OneMillionCrypto.
We have hired a team of experienced marketers from across the globe to constantly advertise our product, utilising global labour for low rates and high returns ensuring that TonTipster is heard about!